We are embracing retirement, and making the most of it.

We knew we were never going to sit still for long, so whilst we are happy and healthy we will be out and about seeing the world………… full time.

We are out of the fast lane and taking the slow road ahead

Thursday, 29 June 2017

End of Financial Year

Well I wish I could say we have been exploring far and wide, but we knew we were going to be Finley bound for the first 8 weeks.  I am just about set for end of financial year, balancing of the Dentist's acounting system, and hopefully, I will get it all completed in a week or 2. Then hoping to get a few days away somewhere.  I need a better routine.....work is getting in the way.

We have joined the RSL club which lets us play on their Squash courts for $5 per hour for the both of us.  Bargain! This was our first week, and we want to keep going at least twice a week.

He's doing very well for a heart patient.

Our coughs are getting better now, but we have the soccer run again on Saturday whilst Jess and Jonny are in Melbourne with Jenna who is having teeth out under a general anaesthetic. There is going to be a frost and minus 3 in Cobram where we will be playing soccer. I think I will get out my ski/snow gear.

Derek is enjoing playing soccer with the kids.

I guess it is all part of this adventure we are on...and we just need to stop and look around and say "hey, life is good".

Derek just got home from golf, and Jonny just dropped him off on our drive way....so funny, he only would have had to walk across the road.

Thanks for following..

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