We are embracing retirement, and making the most of it.

We knew we were never going to sit still for long, so whilst we are happy and healthy we will be out and about seeing the world………… full time.

We are out of the fast lane and taking the slow road ahead

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

First week summary

The cold weather is taking a bit of getting use to, but we have tried to start a morning routine of an hours walk even though today it was only 5 degrees at 7.30am, and a heavy fog.The sun appears just after 7 each day so we are finding it impossible to get up in the dark.


The kids are a joy, always wanting to be here with us.  Jess phones to ask if they can come over, and she stands at her front door and I stand at ours and we watch the younger ones cross the road.  Pa is Jayde's favourite, Jenna wants me to teach her to crochet, Jacey wants a new beanie making, and Jordan has set up our back yard as a soccer field and has already had Pa playing out there with him.

We are mostly unpacked and settled in, got the TV working, and I even did some baking tonight, so life is seeming a bit more normal, and also did a full days work today whilst Derek went with Jess to do some shopping in Cobram.

 It is a challenge to not think about the Sunshine Coast, its hard missing everyone, but I am sure we will settle a bit more once we can plan some small getaways.  But for this weekend we are minding the kids whilst Jess and Jonny are in Melbourne.  (This was booked in as far back as January...whether we had sold or not).

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear everything is going well & you have settled in. Photo looks eerie - I love that about fog & mist.
