We are embracing retirement, and making the most of it.

We knew we were never going to sit still for long, so whilst we are happy and healthy we will be out and about seeing the world………… full time.

We are out of the fast lane and taking the slow road ahead

Saturday, 21 September 2019

The Qld Outback

We have arrived in true cattle/sheep country with not a crop in sight. Flinders and Mitchell grass abound, on wide flat open spaces. We have enjoyed visiting the small country towns which exist to support the Stations and we have driven only 7 hours this week, and camped along rivers and weirs again.

It was time for a change of look from beach hat and sandshoe, to country hat and walking boots. (My hiking boots are tucked away and waiting for a descent mountain to climb). It is so dry and dusty, and the grasses and tumbleweeds prickly.

Ilfracombe was once part of Wellshot Station, once the biggest sheep station in the World in the 1870s, with 460,000 sheep and over 4,000 sqkm in area.

Ilfracombe Machinery Mile Museum. 
Our drive past, so drove back from Longreach the 27km for a better look next day

Artesian Spa, nice dip at Ilfracombe even though the water temp is in the mid 30s celsius, thanks to the Great Artesian Basin under most of Qld

A day out from Barcaldine, through Aramac which is Harry Redford country (he stole 1000 head of cattle in 1870 and drove them to South Australia....the white bull he sold was his undoing, it was evidence at his court hearing......verdict not guilty!

Aramac, Tambo Teddys, Jack Howe world’s best sheep shearer, horse made from twigs

Drove out along the sculpture trail from Aramac....love Aussie art...Harry Redford on the horse.
By a local artist, Milynda Rogers, and spread over 200km. We only saw a few of the 35.  Keeping the rest for next time!

And found this ancient healing circle, (one of 7 in the world) and spent a few minutes pondering life and health, and then a hill to climb behind it.....great view!

White Station

Award for best Town Sign

Tree of Knowledge, Meat Ant country, Blackall’s artesian bore, the first drilled in Queensland, nearly 1km deep, beautiful sunsets

Crossed the dingo fence between Tambo and Blackall,  oooouuuuu, dingos not very popular north of the fence

Another Black Stump this time in Blackall. It was used as the survey marker for Queensland by which accurate measurement could be taken for all other towns in inland Qld. Anywhere west of this stump was known as “beyond the black stump”. It was part of Astro Station 1887; but is now on the grounds of the local primary school.

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