We are embracing retirement, and making the most of it.

We knew we were never going to sit still for long, so whilst we are happy and healthy we will be out and about seeing the world………… full time.

We are out of the fast lane and taking the slow road ahead

Wednesday, 6 March 2019


We are currently on Kangaroo Island and are really getting to know our van. The last 3 weeks have not been without their trials. Potentially dangerous mishaps such as overheating of our 2 new house batteries which needed replacing again, the anderson plug connection in tatters leaving exposed wires dragging along the road and now wheel bearing grease evident on one van wheel, which we can’t fix until we get to the mainland. However, we are blessed that no harm has come to us, and daily find gratitude in our surroundings and circumstances.

Vivone Bay, Kangaroo Is. SA.
We enjoyed a very long walk, along the beach, found a cache here at Castle Rock, the weather changed and we got drenched in light rain.

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