South Australia is very dry at the moment, and as we drove through the small town of Locheil I said to Derek “not much chance of seeing a Loch Ness monster here”, then around the next bend this is what we saw in the salt pan. We are glad our van is able to do a u-turn - no problem.
Just spent a couple of hours re-reading from last year - I wasn't sure if I'd missed anything - & yes I had. Very pleased to see you input Derek & great that you're doing so well. Yes we all need to keep fit & healthy, however we usually only get into it seriously when we have a health scare. You both give me inspiration to get fit - so far this year down 6kg only 4 to go till I see the surgeon again in June. So looks like I need to ramp up the exercise. Love reading you blog & enjoy your time in SA. Love Vera