We are embracing retirement, and making the most of it.

We knew we were never going to sit still for long, so whilst we are happy and healthy we will be out and about seeing the world………… full time.

We are out of the fast lane and taking the slow road ahead

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Deepwater Dreaming

We spent the second half of the week an hours drive further north through cane farms to a camp ground next door to Deepwater NP at Deepwater Dreaming. It sounded very relaxing, and we weren’t disappointed. We were camped 800m from the beach so had lots of walking to do, (or could drive down a 4WD track to the beach) also we backed onto a rainforest which was also fun to explore.

There are tons of liked minded travellers about now, and we are finding caravan parks look very full, but as we prefer wide open spaces we don’t mind being a short drive or walk to the beach, and it doesn’t matter that there are no facilities we are handling being off grid well. We did have water here.

The causeway over Deepwater Creek....pristine freshwater, it would easily flood the road

Our beach

We had a day in the NP at Wreck Rocks, walks were interesting but fishing was lousy...just a few bites, it was suppose to be a fishing hot spot

And a day exploring and fishing down at Rules Beach and Baffle Creek...we caught 6 fish all too small

An estuary cod...our first...he got a second chance

We spend a lot of time walking and reading and I probably spend too much time watching the forest for birds, but saw quite a few Kingfishers and black cockatoos plus a scarlet honeyeater for the first time.  It is amazing how many pretty birds there are in Qld.. AND along with lots of Kangaroos we had 2 emus, and a huge Macadamia nut plantation on one side.

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