We are embracing retirement, and making the most of it.

We knew we were never going to sit still for long, so whilst we are happy and healthy we will be out and about seeing the world………… full time.

We are out of the fast lane and taking the slow road ahead

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Goodbye W.A.

After 7 1/2 weeks here in the National Park we have sadly made the tough decision to turn back. WA had 13 regions in lock down and will combine and reopen some on the 18th May, leaving 4 new regions.Unfortunately our region was neither expanded or opened up, and we remain stuck for at least a further 4 weeks, with no guarantees as to when we can get through to Exmouth, let alone through the Kimberley remote community area, and across the border into NorthernTerritory and back to Qld.

New 4 region boundaries

If only we could get into either of the next regions to our west, we would stay on. We are soooo close!

It is impossible to see WA and do it the justice it requires within the limited time we would have left before the wet season is back in the north. Winter will soon be here in the south, so on Monday we turn back to Esperance as it is now open so we can get the Landcruiser serviced, then we are heading back on Wednesday across the Nullabor into SA and onto Qld (Cairns) and then try again next April/May after the wet season from the top (North to South) of WA (Kimberleys) providing borders and regions are open. 

Very disappointing having to leave so soon, but will definitely be back, and will make the very best of where ever our continued adventure takes us.

We will miss our Iso friends Bevin and Rhonda, who are staying on and will wait it out, before returning to Toowoomba in October.

The weather has been excellent this last week so more fishing on a river yon side of Hopetoun for black bream

A bush track for a few k’s to get there

This one was thrown back

Keepers - average 30cm each, not bad for less than an hour....tremendous fun,

Perfect beach day

Daily visitors...we will miss them, they must have sensed we were going, as they spent all our last day with us in our camp

Our washer and spinner

Sunsetting behind 4 Mile Bch and East Mt Barren taken from Hopetoun harbour

Goodbye 4 Mile Beach, Fitzgerald NP, Hopetoun, Rhonda & Bevin, and Rangers Paul & Mal, it was really a lot of fun

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