We are embracing retirement, and making the most of it.

We knew we were never going to sit still for long, so whilst we are happy and healthy we will be out and about seeing the world………… full time.

We are out of the fast lane and taking the slow road ahead

Friday, 12 April 2019

Exploring Flinders Ranges

As you can see below, the Flinders Ranges is huge, diverse, and divided into 3 regions, and all of the side roads and north of Blinman are dirt roads.

 We wanted a taste of each region and initally planned to spend 10 days, but after leaving Port Augusta where we had issues keeping the gas in our fridge, (we thought it was the strong windy night blowing it out), we headed firstly to Hawker where we had some 240v power issues, so tried to bush camp in Parachina Gorge for 3 nights on gas with fingers crossed, but only lasted a day and a half, so limped into Wilpena Pound to go on electricity which worked for 2 nights, and scooted back to Port Augusta for a visit with a Thetford Fridge technician. It was an easy fix (thank goodness, it was our “gratitude” moment for the day), he fixed the thermocouple on the gas, and also the flame indicator, so we hung around Port Augusta for one more night to test it, before heading for the Southern Flinders, yay all seems to be working well now. 

So,  we got to do a few things, and see some amazing scenery.... even though they say it is better after the winter rains and the spring flowers are in bloom.

Visit old ruins of homesteads and villages of the regions glory days, abandoned long ago...so fascinating 

Wilson Stationmasters residence

Kanyaka Homestead

Walk to Castle Rock just outside of Hawker, just before sunset, one of my better photos!

Spend a great day and evening all alone except for a herd of mountain goats, under a great stary night, get up at sunrise..second time in one week,  to climb a ridge and watch the sun light up Parachilna Gorge

Drive into the gorge and our camp site

Walk some of the Heysen Trail before breakfast. No one is sure whether this section is the start or finish....it would give the Camino De Santiago trail a run for its money.

Sunrise from the top of this ridge

The picturesque but dry gorge

Wilpena Pound arial shot from google

Climb/hike Mt Ohlssen-Bagge on the rim of Wilpena Pound....all rock, lots of scrambling too, for a great view into the Pound.

Helping Derek pack up to leave....who me

Leaving the Pound

Walk the Alligator Gorge in the southern Flinders Ranges

We couldn’t capture it all, it was sooooo high up

The top in 3 parts

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