We are embracing retirement, and making the most of it.

We knew we were never going to sit still for long, so whilst we are happy and healthy we will be out and about seeing the world………… full time.

We are out of the fast lane and taking the slow road ahead

Sunday, 24 December 2023

Renovations almost Finished, Cairns & Japan

It has been a very long and tough year.  

Our renovations kicked off in March when we ordered the new windows and sliding doors.  Each room had to be striped and re plastered, kitchen moved to dining area, laundry moved to other side of house, walls moved, old laundry converted to ensuite, garage converted to media room, study and laundry, and totally painting, decorating, tiling and.........we are here at Christmas with just the main bathroom to finish.  It wasn't without its ups and downs, but overall the tradies were exceptional fitted in well with each other, the down side was that couldn't take your eye off them for a minute or leave them to their own devices.   It was difficult living on a construction site, and we can't forget the 2 weeks without a toilet as the ensuite and  main toilet got waterproofed and tiled.  That was a joy living in the Caravan for the bathroom during the night.

Needing a total change of scenery 2/3 of the way through we packed up the caravan and visited Craig and family in Cairns for 2 1/2 months,  a fabulous change and also tacked on a quick visit to Japan for 2 weeks from Cairns.

We enjoyed a few more adventures around Cairns - The LONG Blue Arrow in the Whitfield Conserv. Park, Turtle Rock and Davies Falls in DinDin NP and Emerald Creek near Mareeba and some great family times especially during the school holidays

We are starting to get quite settled into our home, and are loving the final result.  We have now got everything out of storage.....documents, photos etc.  We are enjoying our minimalist outlook, and have truly only got what we need, no clutter, - this comes from 5 years travelling in a small caravan.  Everything has to have 2 purposes, and I am still of the mind if I buy a new piece of clothing the old one gets chucked out.

Just some before and after photos and some from our Japanese cruise.