We have been nomadic (without a permanent home) for almost 2 years, and although 2020 was not all we planned it to be, we are still enjoying the freedom of just making it all up as we go along.
2020 has taught us not plan too far ahead, be very flexible, look on the bright side of life, travel very slow, be grateful for what we do have and how important staying connected to family and friends is.
Our travels this year
RED was Jan to May (incl covid lockdown) BLUE after lockdown May to December
We have spent
137 days in caravan parks
82 days free camping
77 days low cost, like National Parks
44 days renting eg. our unit in Cairns, Magnetic Island
26 days with family
We spent over 4 months exploring the Queensland Coast... normally a 20 hour drive
Let our adventures for 2021 begin.....