We are embracing retirement, and making the most of it.

We knew we were never going to sit still for long, so whilst we are happy and healthy we will be out and about seeing the world………… full time.

We are out of the fast lane and taking the slow road ahead

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Happy New Year from Cairns

We are having a lovely 2 weeks in Cairns with Craig, Sara and Ayla. Enjoying being here, it is very green and lush, and we are getting lots of much needed short bursts of summer rain/storms.
A most recent addition to Cairns is a 2 level Aquarium.  It is Ayla’s favourite outing and she goes about once a week to see “the fishies”. There are excellent tanks including rainforest reptiles and insects as well as a great coral reef tank and 2 level tank, and the type where you walk through with the tank surrounding you on both sides and overhead with all manner of sharks, stingrays, large barra, and tropical and unusual fish.  Even found Nemo!

So happy new year from Derek and I, we wish you a joyous, healthy, and awesome filled 2020.

Friday, 20 December 2019

Merry Christmas

We are enjoying a lovely 2 weeks with Craig, Sara and Ayla in Cairns for Christmas. 
Although we have seen some splendid scenery, and met some very interesting people on our travels this year, it is the special time we have with family and friends here and keeping in touch with those far away, that has made the year most enjoyable. 

We are off to Western Australia in the new year!

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Oscar the Pug

We are having a relaxing 2 weeks on the Sunshine Coast to have complete check ups for Derek, myself, the car, and the bikes. So far all have been given an excellent bill of health. Skin checks clear, and only Derek’s surgeon to see in 10 days time for a 2 yearly checkup.

We are housesitting for the 2 weeks not far from where we use to live at Little Mountain. Little Oscar is so cute, but it soon became obvious the first night he only sleeps on the bed. Just as well we are obliging, and good housesitters who love puppy dogs, not that we ever had our own TicTac sleeping with us every night.